5G Guides

If you'd like us to produce a guide on a certain topic please email info@5G.co.uk.

Should I buy the new iPhone 13? 20 September

Should I buy the new iPhone 13?

The iPhone 13 range is here, but should you buy one?

HDR and 5G smartphones - Everything you need to know 13 November

HDR and 5G smartphones - Everything you need to know

Many 5G phones can take full advantage of HDR content....

Is 5G dangerous or safe? 20 May

Is 5G dangerous or safe?

How dangerous is 5G or is it safe. We look at all...

How 5G will reshape business 15 January

How 5G will reshape business

These features could bring a number of benefits for...

What is dark fibre and why is it essential to 5G? 22 January

What is dark fibre and why is it essential to 5G?

Dark fibre will empower businesses and drive down...

What is Narrowband IoT? 30 November

What is Narrowband IoT?

Narrowband IoT is a new low power wide area technology...

What are 5G Testbeds? 13 November

What are 5G Testbeds?

Testing and proving grounds are needed because 5G...

5G and the Connected Car 27 October

5G and the Connected Car

How does the Internet of Things, the connected car...

What is LTE Broadcast? 25 October

What is LTE Broadcast?

LTE Broadcast enables the same content to be simultaneously...

Guide to Small Cells, HetNets and 5G 18 October

Guide to Small Cells, HetNets and 5G

‘Small cells’ is an umbrella term for operator-controlled...

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