5G News

Superfluid 5G network under development 13 November

Superfluid 5G network under development

The superfluidity project aims to create a cloud-based 5G virtual network and service platform.

EE plans 1Gbps 5G tests 10 November

EE plans 1Gbps 5G tests

EE is planning to carry out tests of 1Gbps mobile data speeds in 2016

$5 billion will have been invested into 5G research by 2020 09 November

$5 billion will have been invested into 5G research by 2020

A new report estimates that almost $5 billion will have been invested into 5G research by 2020.

Five leading 5G organisations agree to create global 5G events 06 November

Five leading 5G organisations agree to create global 5G events

Some of the leading drivers of 5G development are now working together to host global 5G events.

Ericsson and 5G Mobile Technology 04 November

Ericsson and 5G Mobile Technology

Ericsson is a major player in the development of 5G, with numerous partnerships and projects.

Orange to carry out 5G millimetre-wave tests in France 02 November

Orange to carry out 5G millimetre-wave tests in France

Orange France to carry out tests of high frequency bands in the city of Belfort.

5G summit housing industry experts to be held soon 02 November

5G summit housing industry experts to be held soon

IEEE 5G Silicon Valley Summit being held on 16th November.

Ericsson to unify 5G infrastructure with 5GEx project 29 October

Ericsson to unify 5G infrastructure with 5GEx project

Anything that brings 5G along faster is good news as far as we’re concerned.

Ofcom outlines its first 5G spectrum auction 28 October

Ofcom outlines its first 5G spectrum auction

In early 2016 mobile networks will be able to bid on spectrum for use with high speed mobile service

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